Sunday, January 24, 2010

Fernando Torres Facts

Fernando Torres Facts
Fernando Torres a well known Spanish soccer superstar who was born as Fernando Jose Torres Sanz on March 20th 1984 in Madrid started his soccer Carrere as a goalkeeper at Parque 84, but at the age of seven he started playing as a striker in his first local club Mario’s Holland. In 1995 after his club Rayo 13 played a friendly game with the famous Atletico Madrid he impressed the club manager and moved to Atletico Madrid. In Atletico Madrid he got his nickname El Nino meaning The kid. From Atletico he moved to one of the best England Premier League club Liverpool where he became the player who in the shortest time in Liverpool’s history scored 50 goals.

His debut for Spanish national was on September 6th 2003 in a friendly game against Portugal and scored his first goal against Italy on April 28th next year. It looks like he will become one of the best players in this wonderful game of football or as the Americans called it Soccer. In his words he is quite satisfied playing in Liverpool but the richer clubs as Chelsea, Manchester United and probably the richest soccer club in the world Manchester City would love to see Fernando Torres playing for them.

Fernando Torres Facts

Fernando Torres Facts

Fernando Torres Facts

Fernando Torres Facts
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